Castelnuovo di Garfagnana - Lucca- Tuscany - Italy

10 simple rules

In mountain bike tra garfagnana, Apuan Alps and the Apennines

Code N.O.R.B.A. (National Off Road Bicycle Association) is a set of rules to follow that are taught during the courses and in general while hiking.

  1. Giving precedence to hikers; people will judge the category of "bikers" even by your behavior.
  2. Slow down and use caution in approaching and passing other hikers, warning in time of your approach.
  3. Always check the speed and tackle the curves providing that you can meet someone. The gait should be commensurate with the type of soil and experience of each.
  4. Stay on already marked trails to avoid damage to vegetation and limit soil erosion.
  5. Do not frighten animals, whether domestic or wild. Give them time to move out of your way.
  6. Do not let waste. Bring back your and, if possible, Pick up those abandoned by others.
  7. Respect public and private property including signs, leaving the gates as they have been found.
  8. Always be self-sufficient. The route chosen should always be on the skill staff, the equipment, the soil and the weather situation.
  9. Do not travel alone in isolated areas without disclosing the destination and travel plans.
  10. Respect the philosophy of cicloescursionismo stretched to a minimum impact with the nature. Take only photographs, leave only footprints of your mountain bike and if you can not let even those.